
Solutions are provided by combining several products of our vendors and our own products in an end-to-end solution tailored for a specific customer’s needs and requirements. Here we use the following list of established and top-of-the-range products.

Our vendors’ products

  • SAP C/4-HANA
  • SAP Hybris Billing (charging, invoicing and finance)
  • SAP CRM SOM (subscription order management)
  • SAP Hybris Commerce
  • SAP Cloud-for-customer
  • SAP Leonardo
  • Metaswitch Rhino

Our products

  • Ai.CRM – Technical CRM
  • Ai.PI – Process integration and provisioning gateway middleware
  • Ai.RIM – Resource and Inventory management
  • Ai.DI – Offline and online mediation and integration middleware
  • Ai.VOMS / Ai.Recharge – voucher recharging and management
  • Ai.CEM – Customer Experience
  • Ai.CM – Campaign management
  • Ai.POS – POS and Dealer management
  •  Verso Altima Smart City solutions
    • VADigitalCity
    • UrbanCitizen