Završetak projekta „Komercijalizacija inovativnih Citizen Engagement i Open Smart City platformi tvrtke Verso Altima d.o.o.“

Tvrtka VERSO ALTIMA d.o.o. uspješno je provela projekt „Komercijalizacija inovativnih Citizen Engagement i Open Smart City platformi tvrtke VERSO ALTIMA d.o.o.“ čija je provedba trajala od 1. srpnja 2022. do 1. srpnja 2024. godine. Projekt se provodio sukladno pravilima u okviru Javnog poziva na dostavu projektnog prijedloga za dodjelu bespovratnih sredstava „Komercijalizacija inovacija“.

New digital and green project in Karlovac

“This is a unique project, which puts Karlovac on the map of green and digital cities in the region. We wanted this solution to be top quality and financially efficient” – said our director Mario Gerencir at the signing of the contract “Energy service by implementing improvement measures energy efficiency of the public lighting system of the City of Karlovac” between the City of Karlovac and our company.

Verso Altima Smart City Platform

Cities all over the World are facing challenges like safety, sustainability and mobility. These challenges are tackled by the Verso Altima Digital Smart City Platform, providing cities with infrastructure, software and IoT hardware to drive their dramatic digital transformation.

Announcement – Verso Altima Regional Forum, November 7th, 2018

Verso Altima Group is organizing Verso Altima Regional Forum on November 7th, 2018 as one of the most important business and technology conferences in Bosnia and Herzegovina. After many years of successful organizations, Forum expands the platform of digital trends beyond borders. Encouraged by excellent responses, responsiveness and market needs, this year Forum becomes a Regional […]

Verso Altima Group – partner of Western Balkans Digital Summit

Building the future of Digital On the 18 and 19 April, 2018, Macedonia will host the first ever Western Balkans Digital Summit (#DSWB6) in Skopje. The Summit will bring together representatives from governments, businesses, regional organizations, CSOs, academia and youth with the goal to set up a digital platform for exchanging of ideas and proposals. […]

MAMFORCE certificate

In our business various industrial and vendor standards MAMFORCE certifications are of the great importance, both on an individual and collective level and we continually strive to reach them because they assist us in acquiring exactly the knowledge and practices that are crucial to success in our market.